Our facilitated workshops help people deal more constructively with their ambitions. They see how achievement, growth, and well-being are integral and vital for sustainable success and fulfilment over time.
The workshops create a safe space for deep and at times intense experiences. The participants get into each of the core concepts of the book, and can start using them practically. The workshop radically transforms people’s relationship with personal development, intrinsic motivation, peak performance, and work-life balance.
The standard workshop runs over two full days in-person, with activities on the evening of the first day. The optimal setting is a spacious room without external disturbance.
The high-level program consists of the following:
Day 1: The Return on Ambition Equation + the seven Frenemies
Day 2: The Return on Ambition Toolbox
We can also adapt the program to your L&D needs, for example by conducting shorter workshops over 3-4 sessions, or developing a customized developmental coaching program for your top talent